Firming & Shaping the Neck, Eradicating the Double Chin & Lifting the Bottom of the Face

Firming & Shaping the Neck, Eradicating the Double Chin & Lifting the Bottom of the Face

CFF is offering Online Workshop instruction for firming & shaping the entire neck area, including the superior trapezius muscle, therefore giving a total lift, shaping and firming of the whole neck area, including the bottom of the face. This workout will help lift up the whole bottom of the face while literally eradicating the double chin.

Register hereThe cost of the Workshop is $72- and you will receive two videos to take home. ($38- value).

The First one is instruction and the second one is the follow-along-with-Carolyn for the full workout. 

There will be a 15 minute Question and Answer session at the end where you can ask Carolyn anything. 

You'll also receive a 20% off coupon for anything in the shop! 

The Platysma Muscle

The Platysma muscle encircles the front of the neck. The platysma muscle is a thin, flat muscle located in the superficial fascia of the neck. It extends from the upper chest to the lower jaw. 

This is why it's important to exercise not only the neck "proper", but the lower face and chest as well. 

This muscle is known as the "free floating" muscle in the body (one of only a few) for it does not insert into another muscle or bone as most all the other muscles in the body do. In the body, most muscles insert bone to bone. In the face, muscles insert one end into a bone or muscle and the other end through the skin or into another muscle. For this reason, the Platysma muscle is more easily subject to the forces of gravity and this is why we see our necks wrinkle, make bands and so forth. 

A Complete Workout

The CFF Neck Workout addresses not only the skin and muscles of the neck proper, but it also has exercises for the lower face so that the whole Platysma muscle is worked out completely. So many neck exercises only address part of the neck. 

Included in the workout - the superior trapezius is also exercised so that this part of the neck has youthful, rounded upper shoulders and smooth, tight lower neck contours that give the impression of youth. These areas become flat as we age. This area is depicted in this graphic in orange. 



This neck workout is complete. It addresses not only the neck proper, but all the areas the neck muscle, the Platysma, attaches. It also addresses the double chin area and firms it up. The lower face lifts and the chest area smooths out and takes on a youthful contour. 

Any one at any age can firm and smooth the neck, chest and lower face with correct exercises. 


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