Customizing Your CFF Facial Exercise Routine

Note: If you would like a personalized customized facial workout routine by Carolyn, just click on the Customized Facial Exercises Workout here! OR! For a live, one on one session with me, check out our Zoom sessions

Foundational Build is a Must  

When designing the initial facial exercise routine for CFF™, we found that it is best to first do a series of facial exercises that gives the face and neck a good foundational build … that is an elegant, powerful and balanced build on the face and neck. It’s the particular combination of exercises in CFF™ that gives this good-looking build to both men and women, alike. The physiology is essentially the same for both men and women, so it works well for everyone. After this foundation or “scaffolding-build” is achieved, one can shape from there and customize their workout with specific bonus exercises that come with the program.

Bonus Exercises and Routines – Customizing your Workout

Since the CFFitness™ program was designed with the help of medical doctors and a professor of anatomy and physiology, we are able to present a perfect system that gives a very safe and elegant shape to the face and neck. When first testing this foundational routine more than 15 years ago, something wonderful happened. We found that most people ONLY needed this foundational build to get the results they wanted. However, since we’re all individual we also noted that some of us had stubborn, trouble spots, so we developed routines and bonus exercises that address these issues as well. We have consequently been very successful having our clients realize the look they want.

Wrinkles Smoothing and Massage

Furthermore, once you have achieved the look you like, you can further customize your workout and address those wrinkles and lines on the face and neck, as well as massaging the face to achieve the perfect balance. Dr. Frederick Rossiter M.D., a professor of anatomy and physiology from the 1960’s states:

“When wrinkles are stubbornly set after many years, these wrinkles seem almost “rooted” in the skin and cannot be entirely erased. Such wrinkles characterize a definite microscopic change in the tissues under them. Elastic fibers are absorbed, tiny skin muscles are absorbed, fat is absorbed at that point and so the wrinkle actually is a scar in the skin. This is the reason why in some cases, massage will not remove the wrinkles completely.”

Since conventional massage will not erase those wrinkles, CFFitness™ offers a 4 step Wrinkle Release routine that allows you to literally rub out the wrinkles in the face and neck. Furthermore, CFF™ also offers a “special” massage technique to further customize your workout that fills in those hollows and firms up those cheeks and jaw line called the Face Firmer – a simple massage technique that is modified to firm the face properly and is part of the foundational build. While it’s the combination of exercises from the 28 foundational exercises that gives you the elegant look, the Face Firmer makes sure everything stays balanced and even. 


In other words, you perform the basic foundational exercises along with the Face Firmer to lay down the scaffolding of the perfect build. This is most often all anyone needs to get the results they want. You can then add the bonus exercises and techniques to sculpt and shape your individual face and neck to further customize your workout. No matter what your age, what your circumstances, you can achieve a good-looking, balanced and perfect shape to your particular face and neck with CFFitness™ facial exercises.