Hi there, I just want to tell you something that I find extremely exciting.. I really felt like I was looking so much older than I am, not necessarily in normal daylight but under a spotlight I felt I looked awful, I think I mentioned before that I had Botox in my jaw as I felt it was too square but I think it caused the muscles ALL in my lower face to become atrophied and my face kind of sunk in, also there was no smoothness under that light.. … I wanted to let you know that I no longer hate spotlights! My face looks sooo much younger under them! It’s not like a major difference in normal light (although my best friend who told me I looked tired a few months ago said I look better and better every time she sees me) but it’s made me so fricken happy because those spotlights used to seriously depress me! So bottom line is- it’s working! … Thanks for all your advice, I’m so happy and feeling confident I’m not gonna look old before my time now!! Stephanie xx