Dear Carolyn, I've been doing the exercises since received the kit, and saw the results after just 3 weeks. I am turning 39 yrs. old this November, and had just started developing jowls. After 3 weeks of exercising I noticed my cheeks have lifted and the jowls started to become less and less visible. My facial skin looks smoother and fresher looking now. The under-eye area is a little tougher, though. I inherited my dad's deep-seated eyes. I'll continue to work the area around my eyes, and hopefully they will open up a bit. If you have any suggestions concerning this particular area, please let me know. (I sent her some suggestions)
Thanks again for the program and all the other info. I also found a good place in the town to have my facials done, and made sure my nutritional supplements now contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for the proper feeding of the skin. Sincerely, Natasha